Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day part II

Happy Veterans Day to all who have served honorably in the US armed services (and the Coast Guard too j/k).� Those who have served have often paid the ultimate price to keep the United States free, and they continue that tradition today.� Here's a video of a ceremony commemorating the Baatan Death March in the Philippines in 1942.� Having driven the path of the march from Mariviles to POW camp at Tarloc, where survivors were mistreated and murdered, I can only marginally comprehend what those men went through, both American and Filipino, but we owe them more than they will ever know.� Here's a video honoring them.

We owe these men and those who have passed on a great deal. It is because of them that we live free today.

Hat tip for the video: Michelle Malkin

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