In case you haven't heard about it, it is being sold as the left's answer to Glenn Beck's rally of Aug. 28 which easily had 500,000 people turn out.
Get a load of the groups who are sponsors of the One Nation rally:
- Sojourners: the far-left allegedly religious coalition secretly funded by George Soros.
- The SEIU: Barack Obama's purple-shirted Brute Squad.
- Rainbow PUSH Coalition: Jesse Jackson's non-profit that he used to pay off his mistress after she bore his illegitimate daughter. Hired former Congressman and convicted sex offender Mel Reynolds after his release from prison.
- National Council of La Raza: "La Raza" is Spanish for "The Race." They've faced numerous charges of being racial separatists and supremacists.
- AFL-CIO: A subsidiary of La Cosa Nostra, Inc.
- Democracy For America: Howard Dean's private PAC.
- International Socialist Organization: the name says it all.
- Detroit Democratic Socialists Of America: see above.
- Democratic Socialists of America: see above, again.
- Communist Party USA: COME ON, PEOPLE!
- ANSWER Coalition: literally, a Communist front group.
- Coffee Party Progressives: yet another astroturfed attempt to discredit the Tea Party movement.
- Code Pink: the anti-war psychopaths and sociopaths who found common cause with the lunatic Cindy Sheehan.
Hat tip: Wizbang
Update 1: Here's a link to one of the photos of a member of one of "the diverse groups of individuals" who attended the rally. This should make America proud.
Update 2: Here's a video put up by Americans for Prosperity of the communists at the event complete with a rousing rendition of the Soviet national anthem.
And here's that voice of reason from MSNBC, Ed Shultz:
Videos, compliments of Allahpundit.
And HERE are photos from the event. Lovely bunch, eh?
Update 3: Jeff Dunetz has the video showing how these commies trashed the mall. This is what you get when you hire an astroturfed rent-a-mob along side dedicated communists and socialists in a public forum.
Wizbang has video of the huge crowd at the event.
It gets even worse. The commies trashed the WWII memorial as well.
Update 4: Via Wizbang, here's a compare and contrast between Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor"rally of 8/28 and Saturday's meeting of the far left.
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