Friday, September 24, 2010

Mr. Colbert goes to Washington

The most serious and virtuous Congress in history invited comedian Stephen Colbert to testify before the House Judiciary subcommittee on immigration, and today he did.  This was the brain child of subcommittee chairman Zoe Lofgren, a Nancy Pelosi mini-me.

My first reaction was, "what could possibly go wrong with this?".  Well Colbert did not disappoint.  For your viewing enjoyment and disgrace to the Democrats that gave him a forum in a Congressional committee, here's a video of the main event.

Ah yes, competence in government at its best.  Your tax dollars at work.  Byron York was there for the sideshow, and Ed Morrissey provides us with update.
Here’s another moment for the history books, courtesy of Teresa Kopec on Twitter: “Corn packer is a derogatory term for Gay Iowans.”  Thanks, Democrats, for bringing this to the halls of Congress while the economy continues to stagnate and millions of people are without jobs.
November 2nd can not come soon enough.  Had enough Hope and Change : 

UPDATE:  Here's the video of Colbert's "testimony" before the committee.  I have to admit, it is hilarious.

Your tax dollars paid for this folks.  Are you ready to get rid of these clowns?

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